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03.12.2020 Interpol upozorava na moguće kriminalne aktivnosti u vezi s vakcinama protiv Covid19

Agencija za međunarodnu policijsku saradnju je upozorila svoje 194 članice da se pripreme za moguće akcije organizovanog kriminala u vezi s vakcinama protiv koronavirusa.

Interpol upozorava na “potencijalnu kriminalnu aktivnost povezanu sa falsifikovanjem, krađom i ilegalnom promocijom vakcina protiv kovid-19 i gripa”.

U objavi se navodi da su već primećeni “promocija, prodaja i davanje lažnih vakcina” protiv koronavirusa.

“Dok se približavaju odobrenje i široka distribucija nekoliko Kovid-19 vakcina, biće presudno da se osigura bezbednost lanca snabdevanja i da se identifikuju ilegalne veb lokacije koje prodaju falsifikovane proizvode”, saopštio je Interpol.

Generalni sekretar Interpola Jirgen Stok rekao je da je važno da vlasti budu što spremnije za sve buduće kriminalne aktivnosti povezane sa Kovid-19 vakcinama.

Interpol je upozorio i na opasnost od cirkulacije lažnih testova na koronavirus.

Interpolova jedinica za sajber kriminal nedavno je identifikovala oko 3.000 internet lokacija povezanih sa apotekama za koje postoji sumnja da prodaju falsifikovane i ilegalne lekove ili medicinsku opremu.





INTERPOL warns of organized crime threat to COVID-19 vaccines


LYON, France – INTERPOL has issued a global alert to law enforcement across its 194 member countries warning them to prepare for organized crime networks targeting COVID-19 vaccines, both physically and online.

The INTERPOL Orange Notice outlines potential criminal activity in relation to the falsification, theft and illegal advertising of COVID-19 and flu vaccines, with the pandemic having already triggered unprecedented opportunistic and predatory criminal behaviour.

It also includes examples of crimes where individuals have been advertising, selling and administering fake vaccines.

As a number of COVID-19 vaccines come closer to approval and global distribution, ensuring the safety of the supply chain and identifying illicit websites selling fake products will be essential.

The need for coordination between law enforcement and health regulatory bodies will also play a vital role to ensure the safety of individuals and wellbeing of communities are protected.

Vaccines prime target of organized crime

“As governments are preparing to roll out vaccines, criminal organizations are planning to infiltrate or disrupt supply chains.”

“Criminal networks will also be targeting unsuspecting members of the public via fake websites and false cures, which could pose a significant risk to their health, even their lives.

“It is essential that law enforcement is as prepared as possible for what will be an onslaught of all types of criminal activity linked to the COVID-19 vaccine, which is why INTERPOL has issued this global warning,” concluded Secretary General Stock.

As well as targeting COVID-19 vaccines, as international travel gradually resumes it is likely that testing for the virus will become of greater importance, resulting in a parallel production and distribution of unauthorized and falsified testing kits.

Online dangers

With an increasing amount of COVID-related frauds, INTERPOL is also advising members of the public to take special care when going online to search for medical equipment or medicines.

In addition to the dangers of ordering potentially life-threatening products, an analysis by the INTERPOL’s Cybercrime Unit revealed that of 3,000 websites associated with online pharmacies suspected of selling illicit medicines and medical devices, around 1,700 contained cyber threats, especially phishing and spamming malware.

To avoid falling victim to online scams, it is important to be vigilant, be skeptical and be safe, as offers which appear too good to be true usually are. Always check with your national health authorities or the World Health Organization for the latest health advice in relation to COVID-19.



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